Hello there Guys! Much obliged such a great amount for going to Hello Fashion! I'm Christine Andrew (no center name 🙂 ) I was conceived in Bogota, Colombia. I'm half Colombian, half American. I began my blog in December 2011, can't trust it's been that long! I began this online journal as an approach to share my most loved deals, purchases and form finds. Presently I share everything from family and go to design, excellence, and home stylistic layout. I adore interfacing with you all and sharing life's lovely excursion a long the way.
I right now live in Salt Lake City with my better half Cody (you can read his blog Hello His here) and our three children Mara, Wes, and Beckam, well four in the event that you number our mammoth puppy Mio 🙂 I'm a Stepmom to Mara and Wes, they call me "Hersh" and Mama to Beckam. While being a full time blogger, I likewise have a garments line I began in 2011 called ILY COUTURE. You can shop my line here.
In all seriousness perusing and following along! I read every one of your remarks and really appreciate associating with all of you! XX Christine